Thursday, September 27, 2007

Finland: Mining the lingonberries: Sat. Sept. 22

Lingonberries - Finland's red gold

Picking lingonberries in the autumn is about as Finnish as you can get. These tart little berries are akin to cranberries, which also grow in the forests of Finland. In Swedish, lingonberries are called "lingon" and cranberries are called "tranbär."

On the northeast side of Agnisholmen, my parents have the cabin they began building in 1977. It was designed by my Faffa Heimer.

As my parents have never permanently returned to Finland, the final sauna oven has yet to be added. But my brothers Mike and Kenny and I spent every other summer here while growing up. You can see Kai hanging out among the lingonberries.

Here is Uncle Ben in his Samurai hat. He wears it to invoke fighting prowess for when he must do battle with "huggormar", which are Finland's poisonous wood snakes.

A Finnish specimen of the "huggorm." (We didn't actually see one this trip, luckily!)

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