Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Finland: The Villa at Agnisholmen: Fri-Sun, Sept. 21-23

Last weekend we went to Ben & Bitti's villa. A villa is a cottage used for weekend relaxation, usually located near water.

Ben & Bitti's villa is located on Agnisholmen, which literally translates to Agnes Island. You can find it on the map located just above the word "Kåtolandet." (Note that water is yellow and land is grey on this map.)

There are so many lakes and islands in the Finnish archepelago that there is quite a lot of waterfront property for such a small country. Most villas are equipped with a sauna - and to cool off afterwards you run and jump in the water.

The island is in the vincinity of Öja and Kokkola, an area renouned for its ginormous population of ticks. These ticks carry a disease called TBE, which Kai and I got vaccinated for before we left the states.

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