Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Finland: Lappajärvi ho! Wed. Oct 3

Kai's first impact crater!

We made it to the big impact crater! It was a fun day. Between the meteorite museum at Kivitippu hotel and driving around the central uplift island of Kärnä, it was a rock star kind of day. I think my mom and Kai had fun too. Here a few pictures.

View of foggy Lake Lappajärvi from the southern tip of Kärna Island.

At the meteorite museum at Kivitippu, there are some great display boards, dioramas and evena real meteorite that landed near Borgå (Porvoo).

The impact crater diameter extends beyond the

lake's boundaries. The impact crater is 19 km long - Finland's biggest.

A vast layer of melted bedrock, which geologists call suevite, is present in the Lappajärvi area. Locally, this rock is called kärnite and is mined for use as a beautiful building stone.
This photo is of the floor at the Kivitippu Resort. You can see the blocks of unmelted host rock in the grey melted matrix. The grey material got so hot it was glass!

The island of Kärna has beautiful birch forests, in addition to an exciting geologic past.

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