Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Finland: Nykarleby adventures: Tuesday Oct. 2

Today we explored Nykarleby. I got so excited when we parked next to a sign that read "WALLENDAHL."

I had forgotten that Åsa's (my second cousin) dad owns a paint store in Nykarleby. I told my mom that we should go in and see if Rolf was working. He was! It was fun to talk to him - he plays saxophone in Jakobstad and is part of the Jazzoo ( (My mom and I have one last chance to check out Jazzoo here in Jakobstad before we head down to Helsinki on Friday.)

After the paint shop, we checked out a yarn shop, took some pictures of the Nykarleby church. Then we had coffee and a green frog princess cake and then came home. A great day - all and all. For dinner, Bitti cooked up some delectable elk meatballs with mashed potatoes. Yum! Really, what more can you ask for? :)

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